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An Evening Meditation in 432 KEY OF G

An Evening Meditation in 432 KEY OF G

G3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G#4, C5 

There is a lot of misinformation on the internet about bowls tuned in A=432. 
If you don't already own bowls in 432, I suggest you stay in bowls tuned 440, which are listed as Perfect Pitch on our site. I can make this set in perfect pitch A=440 and it will sound so close to this, you won't really notice the difference. This set is just a tiny bit lower than it's counterpart in 440. 
I can provide you with bowls in 432, but if you are new to bowls, I want you to be aware of the difference without all the misinformation. I want you to be well informed.  Please call and I would be happy to explain the difference. 

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